It was just a regular phone call to our insurance company.

“Hi, I’d like to update my payment details for our insurance please.”

A “no worries” and tap, tap of the keyboard, followed by more questions and a few more minutes of tapping, and our records were updated.

“I notice you have most of your insurances with us, can I help you with home and contents?”

A typical question when dealing with insurance companies for sure, I don’t resent them for it, they upsell, the same as banks, the same as McDonald’s, we’re targeted for the upsell by all companies good at their marketing. It’s easier to retain and upsell then it is to gain new customers, my marketing background knows this.

What amuses me is the conversation that occurs after I answer them. I guess, it’s because our answer isn’t a very typical one.

“No, we don’t have home and contents, we’re travelling Australia with our car and van, so you have us fully covered.”

“Oh wow, how lucky, I wish I could do that. It must be a pretty amazing thing to do how lucky.”

That response isn’t an unusual one, because truly for most people they perceive our life to be a lucky one. I used to just give a laugh of approval, and agree with them, but today I chose to answer this lady differently.

“You know, you could do that, we’re not lucky, we just jumped feet first into a deep pit of fear, and I guess it helps to be a little crazy.” She giggled, sounding nervously unconvinced.

I went on to explain to her that our choice to live on the road full time, was a choice. There is sacrifice involved, and life still continues on, it just looks a bit different. There’s still bills to pay, things to keep insured, school work for the kids to do, responsibilities to uphold and work to be done. Those things have not changed in our lives.

Choosing to live on the road full time is not like a holiday. While it is the most amazing thing we’ve ever done, it’s a lifestyle choice, the same as living in the country, in the city, in an apartment or a gigantic house, owning one car or two, having one parent stay at home or both parents working. Everything we do is a choice, and this one is ours.

“Wow, really, that’s amazing.”

It is amazing.

What is more amazing is, that if you are reading this and wondering if you could possibly travel Australia long term, I want you to know this.

YES, YOU CAN TRAVEL AUSTRALIA!big lap of australia

It takes preparation, it takes a whole lot of soul searching, sacrifice, fear wrangling and craziness, but I can tell you with unwavering certainty, that all those difficult things to face are worth the results.

The main thing stopping you from travelling long term, even if it’s just doing a lap for a few months is you.

Confronting I know, but you are the only thing standing in your own way.

Where there’s a will, there’s a way, and if we can do it, then you can do it too.

It takes planning, preparation, and like all awesome goals, you have to want it so badly that you’re willing to do what you need to do to achieve it.

Go, start planning…

Make your own luck!