A Family Travel Lifestyle is More Than Just Luck

A Family Travel Lifestyle is More Than Just Luck

As our goals  to see more of Australia as a family fall into place, we’ve been getting more and more comments about how lucky we are to see so many things and get to go so many places.

People truly would like to know how we get so “lucky” and how we can afford to travel with our kids. The most common remark we get is “wow, I wish we were lucky enough to be able to afford that!”.

The goal of our blog is to inspire other families to get out and see Australia. So it’s important for me to say this:

ANYONE, ANY family can get out and explore Australia! YES that means YOUR FAMILY!!

I know right now some of you are thinking, “but we can’t afford to travel”, or “but I can’t take the time off work” or even “I can’t cope with the kids” or possibly “but the kids won’t like it if we don’t go to theme parks, they don’t really like the bush and stuff!”.

I’m here to tell you to forget everything you’ve been telling yourself right up to this point.

YOUR FAMILY CAN TRAVEL AUSTRALIA! In fact, your family can travel the world if you want to. I’m about to tell you how!

Here’s the secret at how we get so Lucky!……………………………

You just have to want it bad enough.

That’s it, that’s all there is to it, YOU have to want it enough to make it happen. If that sounds over simplistic, well it is, because generally in life we make our own lives much more complex than they truly need to be. So yes, it’s simplistic, but if you REALLY, truly with all your soul want to experience more travel with your kids, then stop fooling yourself and let’s have a look at how to make it happen!

How Much do you Want it?

The real, hard, honest truth about affording family travel is that you just have to want it. I wish I could tell you that you will magically be able to afford a travel lifestyle without any sacrifice, but that’s not the truth. The truth is, that having an ache inside you to see Australia, having an ache inside you to share this amazing country (or any other country) with your children, having an ache inside you to live a life full of joy instead of stress is the true ingredient that most people are missing.

  • If you think you want it and you still aren’t doing it, then you don’t want it enough…. yet……
  • If you think you want it, but you’re not getting any closer to making it happen, then you don’t want it enough…. yet….
  • If you think you want it and you start to put plans in place, sacrifice things to bring your dream closer, then you’re on your way.
  • If you truly want to travel, then travel becomes your priority and you MUST push other wants aside in order to make your dream come true
Going Against the Grain.

Like everything in life, there are choices to be made. Too many times we hear about people wanting to “take off and travel”, but they can’t or just won’t. You know what? That OK!! In order for us to travel, we haven’t purchased a house, we homeschool our kids, and we definitely don’t own a big flatscreen tv, or a flashy car. Is there anything WRONG with having those things? GOSH NO! Part of us would love those things, but for us, the need to explore Australia, far outweighs the need to settle down into the norms of society.

Part of living a fulfilling life is about being conscious of your goals, your dreams and your needs. You need to be conscious of your personal goals, you won’t hear me whinging about not owning a house, because I know we’ve sacrificed that in order to travel. So if you REALLY, truly want to travel, you’ll need to look at what you may need to sacrifice. The reality is, many people think they want to travel long term, but they feel much more comfortable owning a home and paying a mortgage than they do out living on the road.It takes a lot of self reflection and maybe a bit of craziness to go after your true “bliss” is this your year to just do it?

Just know this: If you want it, you CAN make it happen, you just need to let go of the things you THINK keep you secure, and dare to live your dream instead!

How Are We Achieving Our Dreams?

Probably being just a little bit crazy helps! We are not rich, I will truthfully and honestly reveal to you right now that we earn less than almost everyone we know. Our circle of friends mostly earn average middle class salaries, and for the most part we earn less than any of them. We earn less because we choose to. We choose to be a one income family, we choose to homeschool our kids, and we choose not to have debt. I do work from home part time, but I need to balance that with being a mum, teacher, wife and book keeper for Matt’s business, so my business is limited to a small, much appreciated group of clients that are great to work with. Matt owns a small business and he works HARD, but we put measures in place that still allow us to live our dreams.

In order to share this amazing experience of exploring Australia with our kids, there’s a few things we’ve chosen to do:

  • We have stayed debt free.
  • We don’t align material possessions with security or success.
  • We accept that life is short, and we truly want the best experience, not just the one that’s “socially acceptable”
  • We’re not afraid to go against the grain. (You only get one life, why waste it being the same as everyone else!)
  • We SAVE our money for what we want, and make sure we know what it is we want.
 What Can YOU DO?

Take some time to think about what you really want. Then read the posts from some AMAZING families below. These guys are all travelling the world with their kids, don’t take my word for it, take a sneak peek into the lives of some amazing families and you’ll soon be blown away by what you really CAN DO if you want it bad enough!

Read These Stories by Inspiring Families Travelling the World

Only the Very Special, Lucky, Rich, and Perfect (Like Me) Can Travel by Gabi ‘

Anyone can travel by Mary at Bohemian Travelers

Diet shouldn’t stop you from travelling by Amy at livin’ on the road

If Anyone Can Travel Why Don’t You? – Keryn at Walkingon Travels

Not Everyone Can Travel – by Living Outside of the Box

You Have to Be Special Like Us if You Want an Awesome Life – Discover Share Inspire

 True Story: Single mother from Bushwick, Brooklyn, funds long-term trip without having to sell a kidney – Melissa at Break Out of Bushwick

 Anyone Can Travel, Just Let Go by Diya at a minor diversion

 Don’t Be Jealous of Our Travels! Be Happy for Us and Know That You Can Make it Happen Too ! – Susan V. and family

Anyone Can Travel…Just Find Your Way by Kate at Experiential Family

Pity, Envy, and why anyone can travel — Clark Vandeventer of FamilyTrek.org

Travel – Possible? Wandering Photographer

Even Solo Mamas on Government Handouts Can Travel (by Jody):

Anyone Can Travel Can’t They – New Life on the Road

Our Path to becoming Lucky enough to Travel A King’s Life